Chapter 352: Battle On Kleyos Part 4

She quickly prepared the Vectra and buckled Tuomas in the seat beside her. “It is a long story and one day I will tell you what I know in detail. Hold on we have to go now.”

Starting the engines was pathetic. She was running out of time and morphed into energy in front of Tuomas whose eyes were larger than saucers. “Wow!”

A scarce few seconds later, the Vectra’s engines roared into action and Leah was at the helm. She blew yet another hole in the stricken IU ship’s hull using the weapons onboard. They broke out of the larger ship and soared upward.

“I don’t know if this chemical compound could affect our engines, but we have no choice.”

“Leah that was magic what you did before, can you do other stuff?”

Leah looked at Tuomas’ innocent face.

“If we get out of this in one piece, I’ll show you more stuff eh.” She ruffled his hair.

Quietly confident, Leah managed to clear a good one hundred thousand miles into space and was happy she had some freedom to think of her next move.