The door opened and a dozen armed guards, weapons drawn marched in the room, spreading out and surrounding a stone faced Trimadian leader, still cuffed. Calham had returned and directed the prisoner to sit opposite Leah. He did not like this one bit and wanted to put the Cryto collar on him. But Leah had earlier stated her terms, or she would not see him. No torture, all guards and guns outside. Calham insisted on the cuffs and Leah agreed, though she knew they were pointless, so didnt bother arguing. She also agreed to the recording too, she had no option really, but again, that too was pointless.
Now alone, they sat in silence staring at each other.
So how did you know I was here?
The unregistered ring you took from Sini. Havent you learnt anything?
Oh, that was a bit sarcastic even from you Lord Talokta.
Leah stared at his Z-ring on his finger. She smirked.
I guess you told them it would blow up in their face if they took it.