Raphael was elated at the fierce hug he received from Leah.
I was so worried you would not return, and Id have to search for you in the swords domain.
Raphael shivered. He never wanted to go back there.
How did it go?
He drew out a small square black box, and handed it proudly to Leah.
She pursed her lips, So this is it. You didnt waste time. How do we know this is the machine?
Try it out on me.
What! II couldnt, it is horrible, so cruel.
It is the only way to know, just disconnect the remote if something goes wrong.
Hesitatingly, Leah took the remote.
She put it on a low setting.
Here, drink up!
Leah handed Raphael a gourd of wine, which he downed quickly. The experience on the setting for a mere two seconds was more than convincing for the queen.
It is like being paralysed with indescribable pain, Raphael surmised. Why would your ex-lover do this to you?