The guard outside Raphaels cell stood aside, stiffly saluting as Kalvich acknowledged and signalled him to leave.
Raphael stood facing the Supreme Ruler.
I guess you want payment for your services, stated Kalvich.
Perhaps we can make a different arrangement.
Kalvich was wholeheartedly expecting this. He felt a warmth grow in his loins as a new chess game was about to begin. His poker face revealed nothing, nor the fortress guarding his thoughts.
It was Montava and Chotar who accompanied Leah to her palatial quarters in Casus Belli. As usual they were polite and hid their surprise at her strange child like mannerisms.
Leah, now alone in her formal lounge was playing with her Z-ring as Talokta stood at her doorway.
He was totally formal, Your highness, do you require anything?
Oh, call me Leah for god sake, come in, I need company.
Your highness, I am sorry I am busy. You will be allocated a servant shortly. If there is nothing you need, I must tend to my duties.