Chapter 4: School Rules

Our bus pulls in and I'm on my feet, first one off, as usual. I grin at Bill, our bus driver, who grins back and lets me out.

"See ya, kiddo." His voice has a deep, wet sound to the back of it and he coughs into his hand before waving.

I'd never say it out loud, because it would be rude and might hurt his feelings, but he really needs to see a dentist about that plaque issue.

The inside of the bus was hotter than I thought and, when I emerge into the morning sunshine and the crowd of chattering kids, I breathe a little sigh of relief. The front doors of the high school beckon me on and, with my messenger bag swinging and my boots announcing my approach, I grin my way into grade eleven like I own it.

Because, yeah. I own it.

There are tons of faces I know and I spend the next few minutes waving and grinning until my cheeks ache. Everyone looks fabulous after the summer, though the poor little freshmen seem nervous. I'm more than happy to help them, but it's easy enough to figure out where to go from here. The auditorium doors stand open, a steady stream of designer jeans and laughter undulating inside. I bounce to the front row, next to the podium, so I can be nice and close to the principal when he shows up. Mr. Standard and I have a special relationship. No, not like that, gross. He just likes me, that's all. Thinks I'm smart and is always calling me to his office to talk to me about stuff. Like, bullies and positive attitudes and how he wishes all of his students loved school as much as I do.

He's the only one I'm willing to talk to about how smart I really am. Because he makes sure to treat me like I'm normal instead of some freak. We've been friends since I started grade nine and I can't imagine life at Rimtree High without him.

I'm a little shocked, then, to see a strange woman take his place at the microphone. I can't help but look around for Mr. Standard as the last of the students settle down and she begins to speak.

"Good morning, students." My gaze flickers from her briefly as a slim, pretty blonde is the last to sit down, looking nervous. New girl. She's directly across from me on the other set of bleachers. I wave to her, knowing she must be nervous in a new school, but she doesn't see me. Oh well. I'll make sure to meet her later. The student body mutters a "Good morning" back to the strange woman and I join them with my own cheerful voice. She glances my way with a faint smile before going on. "Your former principal, Mr. Standard, has been reassigned to a new school in Cleveland." A few mutters, but I'm the only one, it seems, who groans at the news. That sucks. What could possibly have happened? My mind spins with worst case scenarios before settling on a happy choice. He must have found an awesome job at a great school in the city where other kids need him more than we do. I quietly wish him well and smother my disappointment in favor of being happy for him. Yeah, I'll miss him. But he deserves the best. "My name is Mrs. Emma Cradle, and I will be your new principal."

Okay then, that's cool. I can adapt. She seems nice enough, smiling at me again as I clap. How come no one else is clapping? She deserves a nice welcome, I think.

"My door is open to anyone who may need me," she says. "I want to make this transition as smooth and positive as possible."

Yup. We're going to get along great. I can't wait for my first visit to welcome her to Rimtree. She's going to love me when she gets to know me.

"Now, if you'll please pay attention to your class assignments." Mrs. Cradle steps aside and the first grade nine teacher takes her place. I sit and bounce my boot over my crossed knee, jiggling in my spot, waiting for my class to be announced. I hadn't noticed until just now, as I glance around looking for a distraction, but Nina Porter sits next to me, her face in a book. I recognize it immediately, read it this summer. How cool is that? We like the same kind of books.

"Isn't it awesome that Julia's boyfriend ends up staying in town even after the accident?" Nina looks up, eyes huge, mouth gaping. She doesn't say anything, just stares. "I love that part."

She swallows, closes the book, shoulders slumping. "Thanks for telling me the ending."

Why does it sound like she's not really grateful? I shrug and look away, across the gym, meeting the new girl's eyes this time. Her gaze darts from mine after a moment. She seems nervous for sure, like she's looking for someone to help her. Well, I'm all in for that. And, to my excitement, as Mr. Kamphe announces my name, I see the new girl stand and join my homeroom group.

Coolness. I'll have to get to the front of the line so I can make sure I sit next to her.

I hurry to catch up with her, making it to the first of the line with a few bumps and toe treads-hey, I apologize on my way by!-and make it to her side as she sinks into a seat. The metal creaks under her, the folded table top groaning as she flips it up. I take the seat next to her, breathless with excitement, and lean over.

"Hi!" She turns, startled, her blue eyes meeting mine. They are huge and beautiful, rimmed with pale lashes she dashed with mascara, round cheeks flushed faintly pink as I go on. "I'm Kit."

She hesitates before smiling faintly. I like her lip gloss color. It has sparkles in it.

"Tate," she says in a quiet voice.

"Awesome name," I say. "Are you new to Rimtree?" I already know the answer, but icebreaker, yo.

I love the word yo. Makes me feel gangsta. That's an incredible word too, isn't it? Gangsta. Yeah, I know it might not fit with my whole persona, but words are awesome.

Just awesome.

She looks away, blonde hair sweeping forward over her face to hide her expression. It hangs over the shoulder of her baggy pink t-shirt, brushes the thighs of her jeans. I've been wearing my hair in a bob for a year now and love it, but hers brings back the old wish I had light hair like my sister and Mom and not the inky black silky stuff my dad gave me. The moment of jealousy passes as I smooth my perfect bangs.

"Yes," Tate says. Everyone is settling and Mr. Kamphe stands at the front of the class with a list in his hand. No time to talk, I guess. I'll make sure to follow her out after first period and chat her up. She seems quiet and obviously needs someone to show her around.

Who's more perfect for that role than me?

My messenger bag settles beside my boots, a notebook, fresh and ready to accept new knowledge-as much as my eager mind-sits open in front of me as Mr. Kamphe reads off roll call. I almost laugh out loud. He knows all of us by sight, except maybe Tate.

Hmmm. I had him for ninth grade math and forgot how droning and boring his voice is. I wince at the unkindness and, to distract myself from his monotone, begin my first doodle of the year.

A red dress. High heels. Helicopter to carry me away to a jet... I grin at the images as they evolve into a spaceship, a dragon in full flight, all brief lines and swirls surrounded by my favorite hearts and stars. An epic year. I can feel it.

For me. For Kitalia Ore...


I enter CIA headquarters and check my watch as I step through the metal detectors, flashing my badge at the bored security guards at the door. I'm almost late for my meeting with my bosses, but I need coffee before I go in. They are so boring-


"Kitten MacLean?" Mr. Kamphe is looking right at me while the class titters with giggles. Just like every year. So silly, my fellow students. As for Mr. Kamphe, he sounds a little exasperated. He must be tired already, I guess, though it's only first day.

I beam at him and wave. My arm is going to get very tired today, I can tell. "Hi, Mr. Kamphe! Present."

Well. At least, for now...
