I bounce out of bed the next morning, bright and early, three books tumbling to the floor with soft thuds, a few others shifting sideways and over the quilt. I smile down at the covers of the Grace Grant books and hug myself.
I'm back.
It's impossible not to whistle in the shower, it's such an amazing day already and it's barely 7:30. I hear Mom and Dad shuffling around downstairs but, by the time I descend in striped sock feet-purple and black today, just love them-they are already gone.
Mom left me a note pinned to my lunch.
Have a good day at school. Dad and I would like to talk when we get home.
I tuck the note into my pocket and shrug. Hopefully, today will help me wrap up the mess and whatever they have to say to me won't matter much. If they could only see the smile on my face, I know they'd feel a whole lot better.