Chapter 37: Beautiful

Alice stared at herself in the full-length mirror behind her mother's door, turning back and forth to admire her dress, the flow of the fabric.

How amazing she looked.

Even Betty glowed with happiness, stepping back from adjusting one of Alice's carefully-placed curls. She clasped her hands together and tucked them under her chin, gazing with wonder at her daughter.

"Alice," Betty said with awe in her voice, "you're beautiful."

For the first time in her life, Alice heard her mother say it. And believed it. She didn't need the doll, after all.

Even the high heeled sandals felt comfortable on her feet, unaccustomed to such height. Betty's brow furrowed slightly as her eyes fell to Alice's wrist. With one swift motion, her fingers snapped the red thread bracelet Rose had wound there.

"Now you're perfect," Betty said, balling the thread in her fingers while Alice felt the shock of its loss like her mother had shattered something very valuable. Precious to Alice.