
Chapter 26: Minnesota

Minnesota had a moment of nerves when she stood up in front of everyone. There was very little sleep for any of them in the last two days, but she never felt so awake and aware. She loved the old ship and giving her a purpose. She also loved giving her own life purpose. Since her parents were taken, her colony stripped of everyone she knew and loved, Minnesota fought the feeling she was adrift and helpless despite her drive to do something to fix it. Now they had a plan and a ship to take them where they needed to go with a goal in mind, she was fed by her own certainty.

Still, she was a mechanic, a tool-head. She was used to talking to computers, not organizing people. Yet there they all were, looking at her. Some with curiosity. A couple with disdain. And yet, Archer told her she was the best choice they had to keep everyone moving forward and she was determined to do just that.