
Chapter 45: Archer

Archer spotted a surge of darkness rounding a corner up ahead and put on more speed. He choked for air, but knew he had to get to the thing before it could do more damage. Unfamiliar with the layout of the ship, he had no idea where he was or where the thing was heading. He simply wasn't paying attention.

His foot slipped beneath him and almost sent him sprawling. Archer caught himself in time and looked down. A large pool of green blood spread out on the worn flooring.

He had a flash of an image in his mind, a moment in time...

The creature turns toward him, masked in blackness and thick smoke. All Archer can make out are its glowing green eyes as it slithers toward them.

Before Archer can react, there is a flash of weapon's fire striking the thing and flings it backward. It squeals a high-pitched protest before disappearing into the haze.