
Chapter 55: Bronwyn

Bronwyn awoke in the infirmary, confused and lost. She lifted her head to look around and found herself alone.

It was that fact driving her to curl up on her side on the slab, pulling her knees to her chest, despair flooding her soul. She hated being alone, ever since she was a little girl and her mother left her behind, left to wander for hours in a park just after the sun went down. When her father finally found her, Bronwyn was curled up just like she was now, at the base of a big oak tree, terrified and trembling. It was only after she recovered, after the fear subsided, she found out her mother left them that same day.

Without the energy or will to get up, her head and her heart aching for the loss of her father, filthy and exhausted, she sobbed herself into oblivion in the quiet with no one there to comfort her.
