Wait… What?!

"I said, you would get two sweet potatoes for the price of one," The old man said as he let MingYu's sleeve slip from between his bony fingers.

"Da Siming, are you messing with me, again?" MingYu snapped, narrowing his eyes at the man. But before the man could shake himself from his surprised stupor, someone pushed MingYu roughly from behind, saying,

"You should have remembered many things by now."

MingYu turned around in a daze, following the source of the words, but saw no one standing out amidst the crowd nor anyone giving him the attention of the day besides the man shoving sweet potatoes at him.

What the hell was going on?!

MingYu turned towards the way he had seen YueQin go a moment ago and hurried forward, shaking his head to clear his mind.