Hide the Stick

MingYu looked over the pale childe Ma, checking with his palm to see if the youth had a fever or not. His chest rose and fell, but otherwise, he laid still, with no signs of a flush.

MingYu sat back down on the edge of the bed and shot ZhiYi a worried glance. They couldn't just keep childe Ma here endlessly. They would have to return him home at some point.

"He hasn't stirred since brother PingZe left in the morning," YueQin mumbled as she moved to sit beside MingYu on the bed, looking over the youth.

Now that was the second problem MingYu wanted answers to. Where in the world had PingZe disappeared, again? Was he unable to sit still? Was PingZe like this during their army days?

MingYu's nostrils flared as the memories flood in. Yes, PingZe had always been reckless, unpredictable and definitely shameless. Side-eyeing ZhiYi, MingYu's brows knitted up. In fact, both of the younger sworn brothers were like that back in the day.