"What- No, no, no! Don't pass out now!" MingYu cried in vain as Yang Chen hit the surface of the table with a loud thud. Snoring as the spilt wine pooled under his cheek and dripped on the floor next to his feet.
Gah, why did he have to drink so much?!
MingYu kicked Yang Chen from under the table, but the man didn't react. He was out cold. If this was what Da Siming considered as helping, he might as well just shove MingYu off the nearest cliff. The old fart was driving him mad with his little games!
"Chief Yang…" MingYu groaned as he poked the man over the cheek, first gently and then a little harder until his nail left crescent moon-shaped imprints over Yang Chen's tan skin.
No reaction.
"You've got to be kidding with me!" MingYu grumbled under his breath as the sound of steps carried over the hall and into the dining area.