The Master in Fainting


Despite the depressing atmosphere, MingYu couldn't help but smile at the sight of XiaoHe. The bald monk of before was nowhere to be seen now. XiaoHe's modest monk robes were replaced with his brother's sect's clothes, the dark fabric accentuating his long limbs and narrow waist.

Over the months they haven't seen each other, a short, tousled hair had grown over the bald, making XiaoHe appear youthful, somewhat mischievous even. But the bright smile was anything but. He could barely contain himself as he pulled MingYu into a tight hug, nearly crushing his shoulders.

"Brother MingYu, you haven't written to me once since leaving Gui! Did you forget about me?"

"No-! Of course, not!" MingYu heaved as XiaoHe pulled away, giving MingYu a quick look over.

"Wow, you look like you need some food, and lots of sleep," XiaoHe mumbled before he took hold of MingYu's arm and started pulling him through the gate.