Soul Bond

PingZe reached out to catch MingYu before he fell backwards on the ground. The man was out cold, and PingZe gently laid him down on the floor.

The deed was done, ZhiYi would either thank him or kill him later. PingZe sighed as he slowly unfolded himself from his torturous position, hissing as he felt blood rush through his legs like burning blades.

Secretly, he was glad MingYu could remember the past. It would help them through the punishments faster, but then again, would it cause MingYu unnecessary heartbreak? The sacrifices LongHai and ZhouYan had had to make while staying loyal to Wu TianLan. Could he carry the guilt?

Both LongHai and ZhouYan had families, children, but in the end, they followed MingYu, leaving all else behind them. But now ZhouYan… where had the hill myna gone? PingZe had tried to track the bird down, but nothing. Not a trace was left behind from him.