Chapter 24: Lilith

I was already in the Crosspath and heading for the mortal realm door when Lilith's mind touched mine.

We must talk. I don't know what it was about her tone that stopped me in my tracks and turned me toward the Garden, but I soon found myself in the foyer of the Tree's palace where the rainbow serpent waited. I slowed my steps as I approached, my resolve to save Adam fading at the sight of her.

Lilith rose, her head wavering side to side slightly while she swayed before me, matching my height. Her pink eyes stared with such intensity I rubbed at goosebumps on my arms.

"Where were you going in such a hurry, child?" She said it like she already knew the answer. But how? Perhaps she and Corvus had words?

I looked away, dropped my useless hands to my sides so they wouldn't wring together in agitation. "To save him." To do something, anything that was for me, about me and what I wanted for once.