Chapter 28: Locked Away

I barely acknowledged the fact that not only had my mother locked me in my room, she'd done so after telling me some very frightening and horrible sounding things that made me wonder if maybe she'd started to lose it. Had Life gone crazy? Could being the mistress of all things in Creation somehow make one snap like a twig under too much pressure? I say barely acknowledged because I'd just started to put all the pieces into some kind of order in my head when movement under my bed made me jump and shriek like a terrified little girl.

Considering the day I'd had, a bit of girlish shrieking wasn't all that farfetched and anyone who chose to judge me for it could just take a flying leap from the Tree. As it was, I clutched at my chest, panting and gasping for breath while Lilith eased her way out from under the woven frame and deposited herself on my mattress.