Chapter 53: Egyptian Realm

I'm not sure following me through the Egyptian Pantheon realm was what Mafdel had in mind, especially not trailing after a frothing, raging Chaos bent on kicking some Isis ass. She didn't argue with me, though, and neither did Tulip who stayed behind with Seth.

Oddly, he wasn't all that happy about my choice, to find me in full Chaos mode though I held my own height instead of choosing to take on the gargantuan presence I had at my command.

Mind you, I wasn't really paying attention to him, not when the gods and goddesses who took turns yelling at my advisor in a variety of languages had one look at me and ran like terrified children from the bogeywoman. I suppose I was, the dreaded Chaos, come to kill their spouses and eat their babies and do horrible, unmentionable things to their livestock. Or something equally as stupid.

Seth tried to bar my way.