Chapter 90: Failing Sun

Maybe I should have stayed behind to ensure that the Angels didn't do something that might start a cross-Pantheon war, but honestly if they decided to duke it out among themselves in the Crosspath like a bunch of spoiled children, well. I guess that said about as much about them as anything else they'd done.

I had more important things to focus on, like finding out what was really happening to the Crosspath. If it was me, if it was Chaos, uncovering the secrets of the Ogdoad seemed the best course of action. And if it wasn't me, if Chaos was innocent as she seemed to think she was-at least most of the time-then this task was just as important. Whatever the source of the prophecy that had Seshat afraid and the Crosspath fading or remaking itself depending on what I chose to believe, standing around doing nothing, or hiding on my throne worrying, would just allow the bad things to happen without opposition.