Chapter 105: Interruption

I thought she meant she was home, in the Mist realm, waiting for me to return. Instead, as I leaned away from Adam, disappointment a sharp jab in my chest, I looked up to see her waiting a few feet from our table. Unexpected as her appearance was, I didn't have time to react, not when she waved, her honey gold curls bobbing over her shoulder, the sundress she still wore, tall heels making her legs look impossibly long despite her young age. Cadence might have only been thirteen, but she looked like she was going on thirty. And though typically the daughters of Life did their best not to be seen by mortals, considering their tasks were to bring souls to the newly wakened, there was no need to hide in this instance. The stares at her low cut neckline and long legs from the men at the various tables made my entire body tense in a protective surge of maternal instinct that shocked me about as much as her arrival.