Chapter 107: Well Enough Alone

Damn him, couldn't he just leave well enough alone for now?

Why? I found myself automatically turning to look at her, Nero doing the same, the three girls playing in the center of the room as if we didn't exist. Odd, not one of them spoke, only giggling and bouts of squeals escaping. Delilah had stopped talking all together, the past week a silent one from her, and Ghola and Cadence seemed to take on that quiet when they were with her. But it didn't feel awkward or out of place. If anything, there were times I envied the easy silence they shared, as if they were connected in ways that didn't require words.

I'm worried, Nero sent. And cut off my curt reply with more of his concern. For her, not about her.

I relented, Chaos doing the same, though the mist swirled within me and begged to escape. She's fine. I observed her play with my lower lip between my teeth, feeling my shoulders tighten, my cheeks ache as my eyes narrowed. Wasn't she?