Chapter 130: The Voice Of Reason

I have no idea how I all of a sudden became the voice of reason when it came to the gods and goddesses. Nor how I found myself, six hours later, sitting on my throne in the Mist realm, in full Chaos persona, with the assembled biggies of each of the realms standing in a semicircle at the base of my dais. It was the most surreal experience of my life, and I wasn't sure how to take it. After all, I had been the single most hated and despised and feared person in all of Creation. I had been reviled, treated with disdain and resentment. They'd even tried to murder me. And yet, here they were, like a bunch of petulant children hanging around my throne with scowls on their faces that told me for some reason they thought I was going to be able to resolve their problems.

I hated to break it to them. I was the last person they needed to be talking to. And yet, who else was there?