Chapter 185: Chaos Vs. Doom

There was a time Mafdel worried what would happen to Chaos if I was no longer host, if I died or was removed somehow from control of her persona. The fear was that Chaos, unfettered by more human emotion and compassion, might do what she had been intended to do all along, what Doom seemed intent on-wipe everything clean and let Creation start again.

I fought to reconnect with her though I knew it was a losing battle, reaching for her with the empathic field, clawing desperately at the edges of it to try to contact her but to no avail. She did as that bounty hunter of Egypt surmised. Shrieking her fury at our separation, released from me to act of her own volition, she reacted to the challenge presented. Creation was hers to do with as she saw fit, it had always been so and how dare this upstart persona with its arrogance and supposed task try to usurp her from what Creation intended?