Chapter 30

James knew as soon as he and Isobel parted ways at Dove & Flight that he'd never make it to his AA meeting, which was a real problem. The temptation to stop in at his local dive was more powerful than it had been in a while. It seemed that in spite of her whole song and dance about believing in him, Isobel thought he was lying about Katrina dating Jason. Even though Jayla was the source of the information, it still came down to Isobel not trusting him, despite her protestations to the contrary.

When he emerged from the subway, he closed his eyes, counted to one hundred, and went home to get his gym bag. Working out often defused his desire for a drink. The trick was getting to the gym, because the impulse to drink didn't always coincide with his proximity to barbells. But as he left his apartment, he felt a rush just from holding his gym bag. He would make it this time. He was strong, in control, and free of burdensome females.