Chapter 33

When Isobel returned to work on Monday morning, she found a pink Post-it from Dorothy stuck to her computer screen. Following the directive to "Come see me," Isobel hung up her coat and gave a perfunctory rap on Dorothy's door.

"You were looking for me?"

"Yes, thanks." Dorothy made a welcoming gesture. "Come on in."

Isobel took a seat in the visitor's chair and leaned forward expectantly.

Dorothy continued, "You did such a good job on the plastics pitch the other day. You seem like a natural."

"Oh! I thought you might be disappointed that I only got two hits."

"No, no." Dorothy dismissed her concern. "That's about as far as the client can stretch, and it looks like they can meet both deadlines. You did very well."

Isobel chalked up a mental point against Penny.

Dorothy continued, "This is crunch time for the Schüssler annual report, and I need all the help I can get this week. Can you work on it? It might involve a late night or two."