Maths lesson

While Gu Shen was busy in his thoughts, Tian Tian had already finished and came out while holding her books in the hand and kept them on the coffee table while she sat down folding her legs and adjusted herself.

Noticing that there was no movement from her tutor Tian Tian made a funny face towards him and later called him out while snapping her finger's in front of him.

Pointing towards the books Tian Tian spoke, "Should we start?"

Awkwardly clearing his throat Gu Shen also adjusted himself near the coffee table opposite Tian Tian and opened the notebook.

"Okay, so looking at your mark sheet I realized we need to learn the basics as well, before we start the actual study course."spoke Gu Shen while he started writing something in her notebook.

'Was it not enough to teach this semester's subject, now this guy also want's to teach the basics. Won't it take too much time then?' thinking Tian Tian tried to convince Gu Shen of not going through the basics.

"There is no need to go through the basics again, I know them." spoke Tian Tian trying to skip learning basics all over again.

Removing her mark sheets and keeping them in front of her, Gu shen pointed at them and spoke, "You say you know the basics, but your mark's say the other way round. Who do you expect a tutor to believe? A student or A student's marksheet?"

The last sentence was like a tight slap on Tian Tian's face making her body shake in anger.

Gu Shen was indeed right. Even though Tian Tian was well aware of the basics and had the knowledge of taking a A+ grade, her marks were not even in the range of B. Which will surely make anyone unable to believe on the fact that ,she actually knew the subject well, specially people like Gu Shen who were used to believe in evidences.

Tian Tian was unable to retort when Gu Shen slapped her by showing her marks to her. Still trying to convince him she spoke, "You are only supposed to teach me the subject of this semester, why are you bothering with the basics then?"

"Without basics, you cannot learn anything." answered Gu Shen sternly, even without looking at her making her feel angered on his words as well as on herself for not being able to fight back.

Just when Tian Tian was about to speak something, Gu Shen raised his head looked at Tian Tian with his deep blue eyes, smiled gently and spoke, "Let's start."

Unknown to Tian Tian her anger completely vanished the moment Gu Shen looked at her with that gentle smile.

'Why was I angry? The basic's are simple, I can complete them quickly?' Wondering upon her irrational behavior Tian Tian frowned and started focusing on what Gu Shen was teaching her.

"Let's learn something about principal and interest today.

If you can answer the question correctly I will not explain it, or else we will go through it thoroughly.

If you keep 100 dollars in a bank and the interest is 14% per year. How much do you get back after five years and what is the interest you earn?" asked Gu Shen