Chapter 29

As much as James hated to admit it, lunch with Isobel had lightened his mood, even though he still had to make amends to Jayla and Lily. In a way, Isobel had been both the most and least scary of the three to face. But in retrospect, he should have known that, approached delicately, she'd make things easy for him. She had, and he was grateful. Lily was less likely to be so magnanimous, and Jayla...well, he didn't want to contemplate where that conversation would go. Fortunately, she was on her honeymoon, so he could postpone it for another few weeks. Lily was a different story, but he decided to invoke "one day at a time" and give himself the rest of this one off. Besides, in order to complete his amends to Isobel, he had to follow through on his promise to find a record of inmates at that horrific youth camp.

There but for the grace of God, he thought.