Chapter 31

It took another half hour for Delphi to finish showing Isobel the ropes and to introduce her to the other staff. At five o'clock, they unlocked the front door.

"You're on," she said, giving Isobel a little push toward the podium.

"Where are you going to be?" Isobel asked anxiously.

"At the bar, keeping an eye on you."

"Nice work if you can get it!"

"The bar part, yeah. The watching you part, not so much," Delphi retorted.

Isobel slapped a smile on her face and braced herself for an onslaught that didn't come. Forty-five minutes later, a few small parties trickled in, and Isobel seated them cheerfully before returning to the podium, where she waited for the next round of diners.

"Piece of cake," she called out to Delphi, who shook her head darkly.