Chapter 45

She waved the papers triumphantly. "This is a list of inmates at Empire State Youth Camp, which is a fancy name for an abusive juvenile penitentiary upstate. Jack Haber was sentenced there by Judge Harrison, and while he was there, he befriended Andrew Harrison. Oh, yes, Harrison sent his own son there. His. Own. Son."

Isobel took in her fellow jurors, who were hanging on her every word. "In addition to the wrong that was done to Andrew Harrison and so many others, not to mention Jack's own treatment at the camp, there's an even bigger reason Jack killed the judge. It's also why, as soon as you're done here, Ms. Foster, you should be on the phone with the New Jersey police to talk about the death of real estate investor Angelina Rivington, who was thrown into the Hudson the night before Harrison was shot."

Foster opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it.