Chapter 26


Gerri acted on instinct. As soon as she saw Ray heading for the stage door, she knew, trusted her gut when it warned her to move.

Follow her.

Kinsey was right behind her. Gerri could feel her keeping pace, though her panting told Gerri Kinsey really needed a few weeks at the gym to build up her cardio. Not that it mattered when Ray was up ahead, crashing through the stage door, falling out into the night.

Gerri's gun was in her hands, her stomach in her throat, as she leaped through the opening into the night and pulled the trigger. "Police! Drop the knife!" So her warning came after the fact, after her bullet cut through Curtis's thigh and dropped him to the filthy pavement, sending Ray spinning to the side, falling to her knees. To his credit, the bartender didn't let go of his weapon, clinging to it like his was part of him.