Chapter 62


Kinsey panted after Gerri, not catching her friend until the entry to the morgue. She grasped the tall redhead's arm, pulling her around by a grip on her suit jacket. Gerri glared down at her, tsking softly under her breath, green eyes snapping with anger. There was a time Kinsey might have backed down, allowing Gerri's irritation shut her up. She adored the detective, idolized her so much sometimes it was embarrassing, really. She was a grown woman, a PhD of anthropology, not some flunky.

"We need to talk about what I'm translating." Why was it so important to Kinsey Gerri believe her? Aside from the obvious, of course. Kinsey trusted her friend, knew they'd shared witness to the paranormal. And, because Kinsey just couldn't stand to think the redhead would think she was crazy or making things up. It hurt too much. More than Kinsey was willing to admit.