Chapter 75


Gerri pounded down the steps to the vault, the bank's manager huffing behind her.

"You need a warrant, Detective," he said as she outdistanced him, gun in her hands. Jackson took a right at the bottom of the stairs in the quiet of the basement, heading down the corridor without being asked to check the exits. Imagine. He was doing his job like a good little boy.

"What I need," Gerri said, spinning to push the man back, stopping him in his tracks, "is for you to stay right here." She'd already confirmed with his shaking clerk who'd escorted the nice older man and his pretty daughter downstairs to their safety deposit box they hadn't left yet. Gerri hoped she was in time to catch them with something incriminating or she'd be up to her ass in paperwork over charging into a bank without authorization.

Her gut told her this was the right thing to do. And, by damn, she wasn't about to question it now.