Chapter 127


Gerri stood in the muted sunlight coming in through the clouded window and listened to Kinsey as her blonde friend filled her in on what the custodian told her. She'd have to question him herself, but after the short meeting she'd had with Truman and his wife, Gerri tended to agree. The man's intensity had already put him on her radar. Confirmation from someone who knew the man was violent meant Truman ended up firmly on her suspect list.

Several of the parents had already left with their children, all girls. Which twisted so much fury in Gerri's stomach she wanted to throw up. So, the pedophile liked boys. There was a shocker. Most tended to have a type and she guessed she'd found his. Six young men remained, all with Down Syndrome or autism, all sweet faced and weeping or humming and vacant as their parents held them and waited for Gerri to get back to business.