Chapter 156


The Melton Hotel was probably the last place Gerri should have been with Agent Foster, considering the mood she was in. She let him take the lead, heading directly for the elevators past the long, black marble desk and smiling staff. She felt rather out of place despite her dress jacket, jeans and boots a contrast to Foster's smart, black suit. Still, she knew how to hold her own when one or more of the desk attendants raised an eyebrow. She carried enough confidence around with her to shut up anyone.

Her mind was definitely on a dirty path as the elevator doors closed on the pair of them, alone in the quiet, muzak-filled space, with a mirror to her right and left casting Foster's reflection into her periphery. She liked the look of them together; he tall and broad, dark hair over tanned skin, she fair and flame-haired. They'd make an imposing couple.

Dear God, was she picking out china all of a sudden?