Chapter 220


Gerri crossed the parking lot to the front of the zoo entry, Kinsey and Ray trailing behind her. No use in asking the two to stay behind, not after the conversation they'd just had. She spotted Jackson on the other side of the gate, talking with a young man in a security uniform.

She wasn't surprised to see Honnor coming toward her, his giant jackboots clomping loudly over the asphalt, a huge scowl on his face. Gerri stopped in his path, mirroring his expression with one of her own.

She glanced sideways at the open back doors of the ambulance parked at the entry, two paramedics working over a tall figure. With a start, she realized it was the vet, Matt Brichert. Honnor spoke as she watched Ray cross to the bus, Kinsey staying close beside Gerri.