Chapter 258


Gerri answered the phone the second it rang, partially irritated by the distraction, partially grateful to talk to someone outside the room. Her attempt to search the others had been rejected, all but Doug Divers who seemed to enjoy offering to take his clothes off for her.

"I'll understand if you want to strip search me," he said.


"We believe both the congressman and his daughter are paranormals." Ray kept her voice down for obvious reasons. Gerri's bheast ears had no problems hearing her, though.

"They're what?" Oops. She didn't mean to let that outburst slip. A half turn toward the others and a short wave of one hand settled them down from high alert to anxious observation.

"Kinsey has a theory. Hang on." The sound of the phone shuffling made Gerri want to rip hers from the wall in frustration.

"Gerri." Kinsey sounded excited. That meant trouble.

"Just fucking spill it, Kins." She was not in the mood for preamble.