Chapter 260


Kinsey perked as the young technician leaned back from his console and checked his watch. Weird, why would he do that? Didn't matter. She watched him stand, salute Mills and Purcell and walk out of the room.

"Need some software from my truck," he said, vanishing through the door.

Kinsey followed him, more out of curiosity than any real concern. The reopening of the panic room seemed to be taking forever. He should have been able to just unlock the damned door, shouldn't he? After all, his company built the stupid thing.

Ray and Chase were elsewhere, so Kinsey was on her own. Not that it mattered. She just wanted something to do and a stroll behind the tech seemed like that something. He checked his watch again. She found that immensely odd, considering he was a tech guy. They didn't wear watches, did they? She didn't and she wasn't that techie. In fact, she relied on her cell phone and her computer for the time.