Andrea felt the triceratops before she saw them. The huge animals rumbled across the rolling ground, half rhino, half porcupine, half armored panzer, sending tremors up through her hands and feet.
These floodplains looked flat, but that was only the tops of the bushes. Under the spiny branches, the dense, clay-like soil was cut by hundreds of creek-beds and dinosaur wallows. Andrea was lying in one of these arroyos, thankfully dry at the moment, holding a snakeskin full of foul smelling brandy-guano firestarter in one hand and her lighter in the other. Those were her only weapons.
The other Ethlek were doing the same thing, half of them level with her, the other half another hundred yards further north. The idea was to trap the triceratops between the two arcs of warriors, then keep them running in circles while their Drivers and guards were killed. And how did you steer a triceratops when you couldn't get on its back? Why, Njrea, we are so glad you asked that question.