Vrem crossed his arms. "Ngarong of the Ankylosaur is not your lover."
"Ngarong's niece is the lady Studious Turtle. I'm afraid she is using Chris's eldritch power to obtain revenge on me."
Andrea rolled her eyes. "Chris is not some kind of evil warlock. He's a fucking nerd."
"I am not familiar with the word but I can guess its meaning. So tell me, would a 'nerd' do this?" Trals tossed something to Andrea.
She caught it reflexively before she realized it was a severed head. A severed, demolished head. The whole right side of the skull was smashed in.
"Face of God," whispered Vrem. "Was that Pmhamun?"
"It was."
"Wait," Vrem bent to examine the head. "Pmhamun was supposed to bring you back to camp. You expect us to believe this man Chris killed your greatest enemy for you?"
"Chris killed everyone in the party. Only I escaped."