"Ah," Trals said to the monster stalking him, "so you seek to emulate me and endulge in some mindless bloodletting. You have chosen your role model wisely, but your opponent poorly."
Chris's masked face dipped and swayed, blood dripping from under the chin. "...my hud... kill you."
"I have not stolen your hud, Christopher, for I do not have it." Trals's legs coiled under him. His torso angled forward, his hands came, Vritai gleaming between them.
"He's lying," Turtle said, "he always lies."
Clearly the wench didn't understand the situation. Trals attempted to explain. "Turtle, my darling - "
"I am not your anything, Trals Scarback. You threw me away." She was speaking now in Slaver and her words had the ring of something memorized. "Oh, you thought to dispose of me? A lady of the house of the Knife Magnolia? I refused to wait weeping for you in my boudoir. I followed you. I trekked across half the continent to - "