Chapter 46: Smoking Guns Part 3

Trals Scarback's face hit the ground with a dusty thud, and Turtle felt nothing.

"Shit," said Andrea, "he's unconscious. No, don't you dare." She shoved back the tall Eethlek.

"He would have killed you!" The young man said. "He would have killed all of us. Let me - "

"I swear to God, Vrem, I will kick your tattooed ass right back to your daddy's teepee," said Andrea in a mix of Eethlek and English. "Back the fuck off."

Why did Turtle feel that frisson of triumph when the Vrem obeyed? She hated Trals Scarback. He had made her into a person who would enslave an angel. He was responsible for her uncle's death. Or else Turtle was.

But blame and regret would matter little if Turtle were killed here in benighted Alluvia.

So what must Turtle do to survive?