"You are taking the vehicle away."
When the Tongue Box had first answered her prayers, Turtle had wept with joy. Now she held back tears and rage and terror.
"And we will also retrieve the rogue angel you have damaged so badly." The voice of Father Michum of the Troodon was as cold as sea ice. "The Synod will make full use of it, but only after study and contemplation in Luna Meridiana."
"I understand." Turtle's hand spun the prayer crank, even as her mind reeled. How naive of her to believe the Synod would send help. All those people knew was enslavement.
"Your ladyship's person will be protected, of course, until your safety can be assured," Michum confirmed her pessimism. "Do you have any questions?"
"How can you do this to me?" sprang to mind. Or, "Do you have any idea with whom you are dealing?" But Chris had taught Turtle caution if nothing else. No one was more unstable than a person in overwhelming power. "When will you arrive, father?"