Chapter 62: Flood Part 4

"Form up!" shouted Njrea. "Leaders,!"

The Ethlek dove off their mounts like hesperorns after a school of fish. The central Leaders ran first and faster, drawing their line of triceratops into a flying wedge that punched into the first rank of Slavers with the force of a charging nodosaur.

The Slavers formed ranks of their own, however, coalescing into a bronze-armored wall, shields up, pikes out.

"Blinders!" ordered Trals.

Black blankets slapped down just in time for the running Leaders to hop back up and secure them over the brows of the triceratops mounts. The blindness, as well as the liberal dose of Fesh liquor they had all fed the beasts, ensured an inertia that could not be broken.

The triceratops struck the Slaver line as only huge, blind, drunken animals could. Horns swung. Bodies flew. And the Slaver forces dissolved to reveal the gaping hole in the wall of their fort.