Chapter 40: Failure

The arid oil fields provided no solace as Frank drove on. They’d hit a few highways so far, but he managed not to run into any accidents crossing over them. Despite Grayson's obvious speed advantage, Frank had been able to stay ahead of him by taking very sharp turns and keeping the man on his toes.

Now, he had his cell phone pressed to his ear with one hand, while the other gripped the steering wheel and tried to keep the car from colliding with anything. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the ringing on the other line stopped, and someone picked up.

"Ed," Frank began, "it's me, Frank."

"Frank?" Edward sounded sedated and lifeless.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get together today and catch up." Frank hurried his words. "But I've been incredibly busy. In fact, I have a favor to ask of you. Are you still at the office?"

"Y-yeah." Edward replied, sounding as utterly confused as he did soulless. "I have nothing else to do."