Chapter 44: MechaNix

Eden had sensed the man around the corner three minutes ago, but she still had no idea what she was going to do. Her mind was still a mess from what had happened with Cliff, and she had no idea what she was going to do about that either. What he had done felt completely unfair, and that made her mad.

Thoughts about Cliff quickly left Eden's mind as the stranger made his way out from the left corridor. His aura was a pall of lead-gray energy that cast a dark shadow over his body.

He was tall, with broad shoulders and thick arms. Large bolts and screws tattooed his metal armor, grafting large chunks of steel together. Where his right fist should have been was a shiny silver sledgehammer, easily three times as wide of Eden's body. He seemed to be scavenging the bodies of the dead that lined the eastern hallway.