Silenced, the two fell into step behind their leader. After a short ride in one of the Guild's elevators, the quartet found themselves in an offshoot of the main command center, which was now deserted. Azuka moved diagonally across the room toward two large æsotech doors bearing the Guild's insignia: a slanted sword over a wireframe globe.
"The meeting’s inside here." Azuka lowered her voice. "Be silent."
Cliff moved ahead to get behind Azuka as she shoved open the heavy doors, revealing a spacious forum with a stage in the center. Standing behind a high podium against the far wall was the Seneschal, looking calm as usual. Lined up next to him were chairs occupied by the captains of the first three divisions. Azuka quickly made her way to the stage and sat in the fourth chair from the left.
"I heard you got caught by a Zodiac," a swarthy man beside her whispered. "You sure like to live on the wild side."