He had no means of transportation, but he wasn't entirely out of options. Frank picked up his home phone and started to dial his wife's number, then stopped and hung it up. After some more thought, he picked it up again and dialed Edward's number. The phone began to
vibrate in his lap, and Edward didn't even have to look at the caller ID to know who it was: Frank, probably at a pay phone or pleading with Ed to come and pick him up...or something worse.
Grayson and McCarthy hadn't noticed, so he could have ignored it. But there was no way Edward could forsake his closest friend.
He answered the phone.
"Ed?" Frank asked.
"Hi, Naomi," Edward spoke into the phone calmly.
McCarthy's head turned around to face Edward with a pouty look of disapproval. Edward quickly faced the window. "Yeah, we'll be along to pick you up in a minute," he said. "Mr. Lee and President McCarthy gave me a ride. Yeah, it was really nice
of them."