Chapter 26: The Curse Can Be Broken

Agnes gestured at the surface of the cauldron, smiling up at the witches gathered around her. Constance was the only absence, and Agnes harbored no guilt over the lack of inclusion. There was no time to waste. Action must again be taken, risk thrown to the four winds. If they were to save their Island, if Reese was to become who they needed her to be, the interference of Constance's reluctant and aggressive denial had to be circumvented yet again.

Agnes was aware how near the line of mutiny she trod and what her failure would mean for her, for the other witches gathered at her side. And yet, they had committed to this cause, did so the day they joined her in the glade and summoned Reese home. She would not fail them or Lilith or the Island's magic. Not after they'd come this far.