It took a long time for Fresco to fall back to sleep, and when he did, his dreams were haunted by Parker. He tossed and turned for a few hours before giving up on rest. He stayed in bed thinking, turning the events of the previous night over and over in his mind. He was sure it would work for her. And she fought so hard... Parker's trust in him was now damaged. He hoped to convince her to try again and not give up. The thought of her being taken by the blue joy and having to join Garris in his hunt for her on the street made his heart ache.
His mind, however, wasn't just focused on the girl he admitted he was falling in love with. His thoughts also drifted to the Diamond City and his vision of Daniel. Fresco had no idea if the dream had meaning. He did know he accomplished what all Wasted kids longed to. He found his way back home. Not only that, he was pretty sure he could do it again any time he wanted.