Chapter 49: Awakening

Fresco crouched behind the bushes in a tidy yard and wished he could shush Medley. He'd never heard someone creep so noisily. But the first time he tried to quiet her she retorted in such a loud voice he decided holding his tongue and letting her thrash her way around was the better option.

"Is that the house?"

Did she know how to whisper? Fresco glared at her.

"You do know we're trying to sneak in, right?"

Medley punched him in the shoulder, her bony knuckles stinging. "I was sneaking long before you were born, boy."

Could have fooled him. A dog barked close by. Fresco hissed out a curse. This wasn't going to work. He was far too accustomed to doing things on his own anyway. Obviously he wasn't thinking straight when he let her come with him.